
Saudi says infidels can pack heat!
Saudi Arabia will allow foreigners who feel threatened by the wave of militant violence in the kingdom to carry guns for their protection, Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz says. "In principle a Saudi has the right to carry a weapon, if he has a permit. Likewise a foreign resident, if he felt in danger he could get a permit to carry a weapon," Nayef was quoted as saying by the official Saudi Press Agency on Thursday.
In principle, you can get a permit to carry in New York City. However, the reality is somewhat different.
"I mean a personal weapon which a person can have in his own country," the prince said.
"So, Americans can have their 45's, the Germans 9mm's, and the Yemenis, Iraqis, Iranians, Pakistanis, Afghans, etc, will have their traditional islamic weapons - AK-47s and RPGs. You English, so sorry."
Al Qaeda supporters have waged a year-long campaign of violence targeting Westerners, government sites and oil workers in the kingdom, prompting some foreigners to flee the country which is the world's biggest oil exporter.
Wonder how long the waiting list for a "permit" will be?

Posted by: Steve 2004-06-24