
Turkish Bus Blast Possible "Work Accident"
Long article, EFL:
A percussion bomb blew up on a young woman’s lap killing her and at least three others on an Istanbul bus today – creating panic in a city that is to host a Nato summit attended by world leaders including George Bush and Tony Blair on Monday. Istanbul Governor Muammer Guler said the bomb exploded in the lap of a young woman in her early 20s who was most likely transporting the bomb when it accidentally went off. “It was apparently a bomb that was being carried,” Guler said. “It is understood that the target was neither the bus nor the passengers aboard.” A hospital doctor said the woman was killed in the blast.
Pity others were killed, no pity for her.
Guler said the bomb was a percussion bomb – a type of bomb that makes a lot of noise but causes little damage unless it goes off in a confined area.
A really big firecracker, that's what I thought they were.
About a half-dozen small percussion bombs have exploded in Istanbul in recent days, injuring several people. Left wing groups have used the bombs in the past. “We are considering the likelihood of a Marxist-leaning organisation,” Guler said when asked who could be behind the attacks.
The islamic-leaning organizations tend to wrap their bombs with nails and ball-bearings.
Ankara Police Chief Ercument Yilmaz said officers in the Ankara blast were injured when they approached a package containing explosives to verify a tip that a bomb had been placed nearby. One officer lost a foot in the blast.
What did he do, kick it?
A small Marxist group, MLKP-FESK, claimed responsibility for the Ankara blast, private NTV television reported. Police would not comment on the report.
"We can't comment right now, call back later."
The Ankara bomb exploded some 75 yards from the entrance of the hotel where President Bush is due to stay, shattering windows of nearby buildings.
Posted by: Steve 2004-06-24