
Al Gore, Still Seeeeeeeeeeething
Via Drudge
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore on Thursday accused President Bush of telling "an artful and important lie" soon after the Sept. 11 attacks to set the stage for war on Iraq. "Beginning very soon after the attacks of 9/11, President Bush made a decision to start mentioning Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in the same breath in a cynical mantra designed to fuse them together as one in the public’s mind," Gore said in a speech at Georgetown University Law Center.
To me, a bag of a shit is a bag of shit; one just smells differently from the other one...
Gore, a Democrat who lost his mind to Bush in a White House race ultimately decided by the Supreme Court despite winning the popular vote in 2000,
Um, ever hear of the Electoral College? Didn’t think so.
cited the recent report by the Sept. 11 commission saying no credible evidence existed of a link between the Iraqi leader and bin Laden.
Um, that’s not the exact wording, Al. Is this a cynical mantra designed to diffuse them from each other in the public’s mind?
He said Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) continue to argue for a connection between bin Laden’s al Qaeda network and the deposed Iraqi regime because it supports their push for war in Iraq and justifies "some of the new power they’ve picked up from the Congress and the courts" since the 2001 hijack attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. As a result, President Bush "is now intentionally misleading the American people. Indeed, Bush’s consistent and careful artifice is itself evidence that he knew full well that he was telling an artful and important lie -- visibly circumnavigating the truth over and over again as if he had practiced how to avoid encountering the truth."
As Al Gore continues to avoid encountering another truth - YOU LOST THE ELECTION! GET OVER IT!!
In an hour-long address punctuated by polite laughter and applause, Gore also accused the Bush administration of working closely "with a network of ’rapid response’ digital Brown Shirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for ’undermining support for our troops."’
Kind of like what you’re doing now, Al? Jeez, just get it over with and compare Bush to Hitler so we can invoke Godwin’s Law.
Posted by: Raj 2004-06-24