
Muslim Terrorist Wannabe's Jewish Lawyer Seeks to Bar Jews from Jury
Frederick H. Cohn, New York lawyer for Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, recently said in court that he wants to exclude Jews from the jury that will hear Shehadeh's case.

Shehadeh, 24, has been charged with lying about his alleged attempt to join the Taliban or other terrorist organization in Pakistan in 2008, and that he attempted to conceal the fact that he had traveled to Pakistan, when he later attempted to join the U.S. military.
Isn't Obama concealing information about the passport he used to visit Pakistan? Guess there's one law for Obama and another law for everyone else.
According to the unsealed criminal complaint, Shehadeh had planned to enlist with a terrorist organization when he traveled to Pakistan on June 13, 2008, but he was denied entrance and had to return to the United States, of which he is a citizen. Shehadeh was questioned on numerous occasions by agents from the Federal Bureu of Investigation and other law enforcement officials. Shehadeh claimed at the time that his visit to Pakistan was to look into attending an Islamic university and to attend the wedding of an acquaintance.

Several weeks after his failed attempt to visit Pakistan, Shehadeh attempted to join the U.S. military, but his application was denied when it was discovered he had concealed his trip to Pakistan.

Shehadeh subsequently moved to Hawaii and eventually admitted to law enforcement officials that his actual purpose in attempting to enter Pakistan was to join the Taliban or some similar terrorist organization.
Posted by: tipper 2013-03-11