
Conyers: 'The Debt Is Not Endangering Us a Bit - We Don't Think There's a Problem'
[CNSNEWS] Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.),
... the undistinguished Representative-for-Life from Michigan. Mrs. Conyers is, hopefully, on her way to jug for corruption as a Detroit councilwoman. Mr. Conyers, natch, knew nothing of such a thing and was routinely reelected last November.
the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, said on Thursday that the nation's current debt of $16.7 trillion is "not endangering" the country, adding that "some debt is not a bad idea" and that he and other congressional Democrats "don't think there's a problem."
There are those of us who think that any debt is a bad idea and that enormous debt is a worse idea. We're not going to run out of money, as the Dems keep telling us. But the dollar will keep getting smaller and smaller. I bought a Clark bar a few days ago. It cost me $1.69. When I was a tad I used to buy the same size bar for a nickle. When my grandson is my age and feels the urge of overload his pancreas, he can buy a bar for $55, assuming they're on sale that week.
Conyers and other liberal Democrats spoke at a Capitol Hill press conference about their initiative to compel Congress to cancel the across-the-board budget cuts (sequester) of $1.2 trillion over 10 years, which actually are reductions in the rate of increase in federal spending and amount to $44 billion for this year.
Remember the phrase "That and a dime'll get you a cup of coffee"?Or was that before your time?
At the event, CNSNews.com asked Conyers, "Republicans say if we don't make cuts to reduce the deficit soon that sequester cuts will actually be small compared with cuts we would need to make if we continue on this track [of spending].

...back at the laboratory the smoke and fumes had dispersed, to reveal an ominous sight...
Leader Pelosi has said she doesn't think that we have a spending problem and the White House has recently said that we shouldn't balance the budget just for the sake of balancing the budget. That said, by canceling sequester would we then be manufacturing a larger crisis in the future and, if so, how would you justify those more severe cuts to the American people?"
I'm still trying to figure how they justify subsidizing Big Bird. "Public" terriblevision appeals to a tiny segment of the actual public. Probably fewer are interested in NPR. We didn't have a Department of Education when I was a boy and we routinely knew how to read when we graduated grade school. Since we now have a federal bureaucracy to guide the nation's educational progress, I had to send my son to private school, where he had to pick up reading to keep up with his peers. We have fewer union members and a larger Department of Labor than ever. I could go on all morning, but you get the idea. None of that mess can be trimmed? Instead they have to do away with White House tours and release a swarm of illegal aliens awaiting deportation?
Posted by: Fred 2013-03-15