
’Angels saved our lives’
That no one was killed in Sunday night’s bombing of a Gaza IDF outpost is the result of the LORD God’s divine protection, said one Israeli soldier from the scene of the attack. "There were angels guarding us tonight as we stood guarding Israel. We can feel it,” the soldier told Arutz 7. Five Israeli soldiers were wounded in the blast, one seriously. Palestinian Arabs from the nearby town of Khan Yunis apparently managed to tunnel the approximately 350 yards to the outpost and planted a 150-kilogram bomb beneath it. But the casualties could have been much higher had the terrorists succeeded in placing their explosives under the outpost’s barracks rather than its parking lot. “Thank God, they seem to have dug [the tunnel] under where they thought our barracks were, but instead blew up the parking lot... It is really a miracle that they didn’t succeed in blowing up the barracks,” the thankful soldier told his interviewer.
Posted by: Jerusalem Newswire 2004-06-27