
Chechen Terror Usually Aimed at Russia
[ONLINE.WSJ] Except that this was Moslem terrorism, inspired by the usually gruesome vids available on YouTube, the anti-Americanism (and by extension, anti-Westernism) that's been fostered since early in the Cold War, and the desire to belong to something bigger than themselves. Before the fetish with Islam, the followers believed in Communism or Naziism or whatever man on horseback was current where they lived.

Chechen nationalism wasn't Islamic when it first blossomed in 1991, but it was brutal. Djokar Dudaev wasn't a devout Moslem. But once the movement fell under the sway of the Salafists, and particularly Shamil Bashaev, it plumbed new depths of brutality in homage to Allah. Highlights included shelling a maternity hospital, the Nord Ost theater incident where they took an entire audience hostage and had to be gassed out, and of course the atrocity at Beslan, which was easily as depraved as anything done by Nazis.

Posted by: Fred 2013-04-19