
Moderate Muslims Must Oppose Islamism
by M. Zuhdi Jasser
We've been following Dr. Jasser for years. He embodies, I think, the Platonic ideal of a moderate Muslim, American style. This essay is important enough that it is presented here entire and untranslated, exactly as published. Given that the National Review editor blurbed it "The one and only," I'm sure they will understand this once.
[NationalReview] The terror attacks in Boston, perpetrated by the Tsarnaev brothers, have finally come to an end with the capture of the younger brother Dzhoakhar in Watertown on Friday evening. One hopes that Dzhoakhar survives just long enough to tell us whether he was working with any foreign or domestic Islamist groups before he hopefully meets the same fate of his victims. Our nation will certainly be resilient, and we cannot let terrorists achieve their goals of unraveling our society.

Perhaps Boston's terror may finally be the impetus to begin the long overdue process of retooling America's current counterterrorism strategies. Since 9-11, except for the Fort Hood massacre, we have been fortunate enough to avoid the kind of devastation and loss of life that we saw this week in Boston. That was certainly not for a lack of trying by our enemies, with over 300 arrests on terrorism charges since 9-11. Of these, over 80 percent were Islamists. I've said it before -- after 9-11, after Fort Hood, and after Times Square, this is a Muslim problem that needs a Muslim solution.

Posted by: trailing wife 2013-04-24