
Wilders: No surprise the Boston bombers were fans of the sheik
NO, I was not surprised when the Tsarnaev brothers, the terrorists involved in last week’s Boston bombing, turned out to be Islamic radicals…

Read the Koran and you will find the explanation. “Fighting is obligatory for you, much as you dislike it,” the Koran tells the faithful (2:216). In case anyone doubts what is meant by fighting: “I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, maim them in every limb!” (8:12).

And yet, most Western intellectuals, journalists and politicians keep declaring that the “true” Islam can be found in the occasional non-bellicose sentences of the Koran. “Islam is a religion of peace,” they say. And whenever adherents of this “religion of peace” blow up pressure cookers full of nails amid innocent bystanders, we hear that “they are not acting in accordance to Islamic teachings”.

I have spent almost a decade under round-the-clock police protection because of death threats…

People such as Feiz Mohammed, the Australian-born sheik of Lebanese origin, whose Islamic “sermons” inspired the Tsarnaev brothers, are not propagating a false Islam. They are propagating the Islam of the Koran and of Mohammed…

Three years ago, Feiz Mohammed issued an internet video in which he called for my beheading. I was, he said, “evil filth”. “Chop his head off,” he told his followers. I am threatened for the simple reason that I am an Islam critic. But, make no mistake, I am not the only one who is in danger. The Tsarnaev brothers drew inspiration from Feiz Mohammed’s internet rants and decided to kill innocent onlookers at a marathon. Everyone is in danger.

Following the Boston bombing, Australia’s Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said that Sheik Mohammed’s videos no longer represent his views… But I do not share this optimism… I have not heard the sheik recall his demand for my beheading…

In my view, the cause is Islam’s inherent violent and intolerant nature. I always make a distinction between Muslims and Islam. Most Muslims are moderate, but this does not mean that there is such thing as a moderate Islam.
Posted by: tipper 2013-04-26