
Libya developing ties with South African fundo group
  • Jane's
    There is consternation within Western intelligence groups at Libya's developing ties with Pagad, a South African Islamic fundamentalist group labelled as terrorist by the US State Department. During a recent visit to Southern Africa, a South African intelligence source told IAA that the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Ghadaffi had meetings with senior Pagad members in the Zimbabwe capital. Ghadaffi had travelled to the Zimbabwe capital from Lusaka, Zambia, in a 150-vehicle motorcade protected by special squads of his trained women bodyguards.

    It was there, notably, that he proclaimed on television that: "Africa is for the Africans and the whites must all go back to Europe". Before leaving Harare, Ghadaffi promised Zimbabwe President Mugabe US$360m in oil and contributed $1m to the funds of his ZANU-PF party with which to fight the next election.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-09-21
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3672