
Rove: GOP could take Senate in 2014 if it avoids self-destructive candidates
[THEHILL] Former Bush adviser and GOP strategist Karl Rove says Republicans have a good chance of taking the Senate from Democrats in 2014 if they avoid nominating the types of candidates who stumbled badly in once competitive 2012 races.
I have a good chance of becoming slender and svelte if I avoid pie.
...and if you avoid telling everyone that you're really not a witch...
"Republican success will depend on having quality Senate candidates," Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal on Thursday. "Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock self-destructed last fall, and other candidates squandered important opportunities."

Former Rep. Todd Aiken (R-Mo.) lost his Senate challenge to vulnerable incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) after controversial comments about "legitimate rape" sunk his campaign.Similarly, Tea Party favorite Richard Mourdock (R-Ind.) lost to Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) in a red state after numerous gaffes, including a comment about pregnancy from rape being "something that God intended."

Republicans would need to net six seats in 2014 to take control of the upper chamber. Democrats presently hold the Senate 55 to 45, but will be defending 21 seats versus Republicans who will only be defending 14.

Rove said he's optimistic the GOP will hold all 14 of its seats, "unless a candidate ill-suited for the general election sneaks through the primary." He pointed to more than a dozen pick-up opportunities for Republicans in states where incumbent Democrats are retiring, where GOP nominee Mitt Romney won in 2012, or where strong candidates have already been identified as strong challengers in a winnable race.
Posted by: Fred 2013-05-02