
First Night of Democratic Convention Is Again Clinton's Stage
For what they are about to receive, let us be truly thankful. Amen.
Former President Bill Clinton will be the opening-night attraction of the Democratic convention in Boston next month, kicking off the four-day event with a speech in prime time, just as he did in 2000, party officials said on Monday.
What's the over/under on his speech, two hours?
But the decision to use Mr. Clinton this time came easily, party officials said, unlike the decision four years ago, when some advisers to Vice President Al Gore were ambivalent about giving Mr. Clinton such prominence at the convention. By contrast, some officials said, it is Mr. Gore's role at the convention this year that is still being worked out.
Oh, please, please, please....
Details of the Democratic convention's speaker list began to seep out Monday, after the Republicans announced the lineup for their convention in late August and early September, which will include popular centrists like Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York City and Senator John McCain of Arizona.
Democratic officials said their choreography of the convention reflected a belief that it was one of the most important events of the campaign for Mr. Kerry, who will use it to introduce himself to voters who may be paying close attention for the first time.
"They nominated him?????"
Several officials said that the speaking schedule was still being discussed and that nothing was final; all of them spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they could not be identified because the schedule had not officially been announced. But what is close to certain now, they said, is that Mr. Clinton will speak in prime time on the convention's opening night, July 26; Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts will speak in prime time on July 27; Senator John Kerry's running mate, who has yet to be named, will speak on July 28; and Mr. Kerry will give his acceptance speech on July 29.
Teddy will be at his eye-rolling, spittle spewing best, wonder if he'll stroke out during the speech?
Party and campaign officials said it was also likely that Mr. Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, would have a prominent speaking role at the convention, as could one or more of Mr. Kerry's primary and caucus opponents.
They'll have to let Howling Howard Dean speak, the mob demands it!
The Kerry campaign's comfort level with Mr. Clinton is far greater than was that of Mr. Gore's campaign in 2000, which feared not only that Mr. Clinton would remind voters about the sex scandal that marred his administration, but also that he would overshadow the staid Mr. Gore. Another senior official with Mr. Kerry's campaign said Mr. Clinton had posed more concern for Mr. Gore because Mr. Gore believed it was crucial that he break from his boss and establish his own separate identity, which Mr. Kerry does not need to do.
Officials at the party and at the campaign said they were certain Mr. Gore would speak at the convention, but not certain which day and whether it would be during the hours of prime time television. Mr. Gore, Democratic officials said, is a powerful figure whose very presence at the convention is expected to remind Democrats of the bitterness they felt in 2000, when Mr. Gore won the popular vote but lost to George W. Bush in the Electoral College.
Insert "Florida" and "Supreme Court" here.
But party officials said they also wanted to be careful to ensure that the convention focused on Mr. Kerry's vision for the future, not the wrongs Democrats felt in the past.
Who are you kidding? The entire theme of this campaign has been "Anyone But Bush".
Donna Brazile, Mr. Gore's campaign manager in 2000, said Mr. Gore should be given a prominent role at the convention precisely because of the fiery oratorical style he had honed in the last couple of years. "He has not only found his voice,'' Ms. Brazile said, "but he has really gone after the Bush administration in ways I don't think the Kerry campaign can go after Bush administration. They should give Al Gore a key position, a prime time speech, and let him roll."
Oh, please do. Popcorn for everyone!

Posted by: Steve 2004-06-29