
Saddam's WMD's are in Syria
More palace intrigue, salt to taste, EEFL:

Perhaps more worrisome, there are indications these weapons are not under the control of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Rather, in a potentially catastrophic palace intrigue, his sister, Bushra, and her husband, Gen. Assaf Shawkat, the No. 2 in Syria's military intelligence organization, the Mukhabarat, are said to have made the storage arrangements with Saddam as part of a bid for power.
Gal Luft, a former analyst for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, confirmed Iraqi WMDs are hidden in Syria, but not by the regime. "Certain individuals are taking money and hiding weapons," he told UPI on Feb. 7, 2003, but this is "not government-sanctioned."
Judith Yaphe, a former senior CIA Middle East analyst, agreed, suggesting the WMD smuggling operation is "palace intrigue." She said in the same UPI report that Bashar Assad's sister, Bushra, "is the brains. She's much smarter and more effective than Bashar, and she was disappointed at being passed over and not seeing her husband elevated."
Hummmm, Bashar did just purge his military. And nobody schemes like a woman who feels she's been wronged. Interesting.

Posted by: doc 2004-06-29