
Charming Moslem Children Enact Beheading on Abu Hamza’s Website
From The Sun Newspaper On Line
Sick footage of Muslim children re-enacting the barbaric beheading of hostages in Iraq has been put on Abu Hamza’s website. The film starts with a masked boy of about nine menacingly brandishing a wooden sword as he screams demands into the camera. In front of him kneels a younger lad, posing as a helpless hostage, who is roughly gripped by the neck. The young executioner then slowly drags his wooden blade across the throat of the small child. Another boy and a girl pretending to guard the hostage yell in delight as he is slaughtered. ...

The hate-filled kids laugh with glee as they act out the execution in the style of their al-Qaeda heroes. One masked child, no more than eight years old, proudly stands guard over the hostage gripping his wooden weapon. He excitedly joins in the killing by pretending to plunge his sword into the neck of the victim. A girl aged about ten smiles broadly for the camera as she holds her own sword and also uses it to strike the mock victim.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-06-29