
U.S. Strike Against ’Zarqawi Safe House’
U.S. forces attacked and destroyed what they said was a "safe house" belonging to the Jordanian militant Washington views as its top guerrilla target in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. "On June the 30th, multinational forces conducted another strike on a known Zarqawi network safehouse in southwest Falluja based on multi-confirmations of Iraqi and multinational intelligence," Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, deputy director of operations for the U.S. military, said in a statement.
Falluja again, huh? Well, even if he's not home I'm sure someone will be there to receive the "package".
There was no indication Zarqawi, who has claimed responsibility for several suicide attacks and the beheadings of an American and a South Korean hostage, was in the building.
Ok. Missed. Try another building.
Witnesses said four bodies had been pulled from the house in a southwest suburb of the city after a warplane fired a missile at it. Residents were looking for DNA survivors. "The house was completely destroyed," said one resident in Falluja, a potential hotbed of resistance to the new government and to coalition forces backing it.
If at first you don't succeed, carpet bomb the place.

Posted by: JAB 2004-06-30