
Community Organizations: Obama's Corrupt Power Grab
[HUMANEVENTS] Obamacare outsources the important job of enrolling the uninsured in health plans, taking it from government and entrusting it to community organizations. Why outsource? Because it eliminates public scrutiny, accountability, and the necessity to be nonpartisan. Community activists can say and do things that government employees can't, such as urging people to register as Democrats.

Pelosi's kit reminds Democratic lawmakers to contact Marc Wetherhorn, Senior Director of Advocacy and Civic Enhancement at the National Association of Community Health Centers. Wetherhorn has developed a program, funded by George Soros' Open Society and other groups, to show community organizers how to integrate voter registration into whatever they're doing, whether it's enrolling people in healthcare, public housing or food stamps.

There is nothing wrong with encouraging voting. But a government employee (for example, at the DMV) is legally barred from saying you should become a Democrat. A community organizer can say it and will.

Pelosi's kit also refers Democratic lawmakers to Enroll America, a nonprofit that will train community organizers to enroll the uninsured (called navigating). Enroll America will also conduct a national media campaign crafted by Lake Associates, which does political messaging for ACORN (now defunct), MoveOn.org, National Council of La Raza, and 39 members of Congress, all Democrats.

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is under fire for soliciting donations for Enroll America, and it's no wonder. Enroll America is 100% political. Its president is Anne Filipic, worked in the Obama White House, before that at the Democratic National Committee, and before managing Obama's 2008 Iowa campaign. Enroll America's staff are campaign veterans with the expertise to convert insurance enrollment into a neighborhood by neighborhood campaign to build Democratic Party enrollment.

Posted by: Fred 2013-06-05