
Debating the Egyptian "Coup"
Good summary of what the news media is saying about the military coup in Egypt by David Gerstman at Legal Insurrection. Through the citation of several sources he makes a compelling point: a lot of people of Egypt voted Muhammed Morsi in 18 months ago (he ended up with 51% of the vote, the rest going either to Salafists or to the military-backed puppet) not because they believed that the Muslim Brøderbünd had the answers for Egypt, but because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for either the puppet or the crazies. They thought that the responsibilities of governance would force Mr. Morsi and the Brøderbünd to be pragmatic and govern from the center.

They were wrong. The leopard does not change his spots. The scorpion stings even when it is against its own interests because that's what it does.

That's a lesson to be learned here at home as well: when a hard-left presidential candidate tells you that of course he's going to govern from the center...

Posted by: Steve White 2013-07-07