
Radicalization of Young Could Cure Political Apathy, Expert Argues
I'd file this under 'Bad Ideas'
If we are able to take the outcome of radicalisation away from violence, young people might be encouraged to experiment with radical views in order to shake them out of political apathy, according to a terrorism expert at Royal Holloway University.
How about getting the youth interested in ideas that actually work and will help them succeed?
"There's an old adage that says: 'If you're young and you're not a radical, you've got no soul; whereas if you're old and still a radical, you've got no sense'. That sums up the important part radical politics plays in the normal political awakening of young people throughout history. It isn't something to be feared."
Which is this guy?
Dear Winston Churchill phrased it differently. "Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains." Of course, those were the British versions of the things, which the terrorism expert ought to know, given the location of his university. I've never heard it said about radicals, but my education is admittedly limited.

Posted by: Squinty 2013-07-07