
No First Amendment There: French Court Finds Me Guilty in Al-Dura Affair
I'm guilty of defamation ... even though the court concurs that I was proven right.


On June 26, the Paris Court of Appeals found me guilty of defamation against television station France 2 and broadcaster Charles Enderlin.

After waiting one long week following the verdict, I was finally able to get the written arguments of the judges. The arguments state that -- despite the hoax eventually becoming obvious to all who looked at the case -- I was found guilty for having said that the al-Dura news report was a hoax...
It's been called the mother of all fauxtography, the biggest media hoax of our times, the most damaging image ever attached to Israel, an icon of hatred, blood libel on an international scale: the shooting of Mohamed al Dura, a 12 year-old Palestinian boy allegedly gunned down by murderous Israeli soldiers on September 30, 2000 at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip..
..too early, in November 2004.

Had I published that exact same article today now that the facts are clear, I would not have been found guilty. Interestingly, the Court of Appeals did not ask me to remove the original article from my website. (You can still read it here: "France 2 : Arlette Chabot et Charles Enderlin doivent être démis de leurs fonctions immédiatement.")
France very definitely is another country.

Posted by: 2013-07-10