
Afghan Senators Urge Washington to Keep Troops Post-2014
[Tolo News] On Sunday, Afghan Senators called the "zero option" a threat to the security of Afghanistan and implored the U.S. fulfill its previous commitments to keeping a residual force in the country post-2014. The Senators said that the presence of foreign troops in the country post-2014 would be essential to averting security threats from neighbouring countries.

The Senators urged Kabul and Washington to reach a decision over the issue as soon as possible. According to them, a post-2014 U.S. military presence in Afghanistan would be essential to maintaining the security gains that have been made over the past years as well as thwarting future terrorist activities.

The so called "zero option" would see a comprehensive end to U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan. Reports circled earlier this week about officials in the White House giving heightened consideration to the possibility of the complete absence of any residual forces in Afghanistan after the withdraw. The shift in Washington was attributed by the New York Times
...which still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer prize...
to rising tensions between President B.O. and President Karzai following the failure of negotiations with the Taliban in Qatar and the subsequent freezing of Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) talks.

"The U.S. should fulfill its commitments made to Afghanistan. The "zero option" is a threat for Afghanistan and it may also affect its economy," said Senator Hidayatollah Rahayee.

"Statements related to the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops should be avoided, because it greatly affects the public mindset and the public might lose trust in the capabilities of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF)," said Senator Khaliq Dad Balaghi.

A number of Senators expressed frustration with Kabul and Washington's inability to come to an agreement on security issues facing the country and the future of their partnership heading into the 2014 troop withdraw.

"The U.S. and Afghanistan have not reached any agreement with respect to security issues. Moreover, the contradicting ideas put forward by the U.S. and Afghan officials have failed to find a solution to the problem. A comprehensive roadmap should be prepared to find a permanent solution to the challenges," said Senator Nisar Hares.
Posted by: Fred 2013-07-15