
French MP Gilles Bourdouleix under fire over Nazi Roma remark
[INDEPENDENT.CO.UK] A French mayor faces prosecution and expulsion from the centre-right UDI party after saying he wished the Nazis had murdered more Roma gypsies during the Second World War.

Gilles Bourdouleix, who is also the MP for Cholet, near Nantes, made the comment after 150 traveller caravans moved on to a municipally owned field near his town on Sunday.

The gypsies refused requests to move on and made Nazi salutes at the mayor, according to reports. A regional newspaper, the Courrier de L'Ouest, reported that Mr Bourdouleix then turned away and said: "Maybe Hitler didn't kill enough of them."

The mayor told a television channel his comments had been distorted and threatened to sue the newspaper. But the Courrier de L'Ouest's news hound captured him making the remark and the paper posted the audio recording on its website yesterday, saying it would sue him for libel.

The Interior minister, Manuel Valls, asked the local prosecutor to bring a case against Mr Bourdouleix for "apologising for crimes against humanity". Up to 500,000 Roma were killed by the Nazis during the war.
...Which has been claimed to be 90% of the Roma population at the time.

Posted by: Fred 2013-07-24