
Morsi detained over alleged Hamas collaboration
A top Egyptian court has ordered the detention of ousted president Mohamed Morsi for 15 days pending investigations into suspected collaboration with Hamas. Morsi is accused of collaborating with Hamas to escape, along with other political prisoners, from prison and destroy prison records during the 2011 uprising; collaborating with Hamas to attack police stations during the uprising; the intentional killing and abduction of police officers and prisoners during the uprising, and espionage.

The alleged crimes are being investigated by a Cairo court that was given the task of determining how inmates -- including Morsi and other senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood -- escaped from prison in late January 2011 during the revolt that toppled Hosni Mubarak.

Brotherhood spokesman Ahmed Aref said that he believed that the decision to detain Morsi was meant to show the international community that Morsi is being prosecuted. He asked, "Is there a lawyer attending the investigations with Dr. Morsi? Was Dr. Morsi given a chance to defend himself? Where is Dr. Morsi in the first place? And was he transferred to the investigating judge or did the judge go to him?"

Leading Brotherhood member Essam El-Erian said that the decision to detain Morsi exposed the true "fascist military regime" currently in Egypt. On his Facebook page, he said, "Announcing a decision to detain a legitimate president who has immunity, who should not stand a trial except under specific constitutional procedures, under very suspicious timing in the absence of the simplest concepts of the state of law as well in the absence of his lawyer, shows the nature of the current struggling fascist military regime. The answer to this will be peaceful million man protests in the squares. Our strength is in our peacefulness and our unity as a people against fascism, oppression and corruption."

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said, "Hamas condemns this move since it is based on the premise that the Hamas movement is hostile."
That might have something to do with all the little jihadis and weapons that have been pouring through the tunnels of Gaza into the Sinai, where they have been attacking the Egyptian army and civilians. Sane people consider such behaviour hostile.

Posted by: ryuge 2013-07-26