
Somalia: Battle occurs in Bay region
Baidoa, Somalia -- Fighting erupted in various vicinity of Bay region between Somali government forces and Al Shabaab militants on Friday night, Garowe Online reports. Local reports in Baidoa say that the fighting erupted after Al Shabaab militants attacked the Somali government’s military bases in Baidoa and told that it lasted for nearly “one hour” with witnesses reported that they saw “five injuries” at Baidoa hospital in the morning.

“After midnight, I heard the sounds of gunfire and the fighting lasted for nearly one hour, the casualty figures included two dead persons from the opposing sides” said a Baidoa resident who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Local sources also reported that heavy fighting occurred in an area between Awdiinle town and Bardaale regional district where the Somali government has a military base. Witnesses confirmed to Garowe Online that four people from the opposing sides died in the battle while several more injured.

A spokesman for Bay governor told the media that the government forces repulsed the attacks on their military bases “The forces were lying in ambush and are still vigilant against further attacks” said the spokesman.

A spokesman for Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab group claimed the responsibility for the attacks and declined to comment on the casualties on their side.
Posted by: 2013-07-29