
Rangel: Tea Party Is 'Same Group' Of 'White Crackers' Who Fought Civil Rights
[LIVEWIRE.TALKINGPOINTSMEMO] In an interview with the Daily Beast published Friday, Rep. Charlie Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Rangel
Congressman-for-Life from Harlem, who became what 20 terms in Congress turns you into ...
(D-NY) suggested Tea Partiers are the "same group" who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement.

"It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn't care about how they looked," Rangel said.
Bull Connor was a member of the Democratic National Committee. So were his German Shepherds...
Because of this, Rangel said the Tea Party could be defeated using the same tactics employed against Jim Crow.

"It was just fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough. 'I don't want to see it and I am not a part of it.' What the hell! If you have to bomb little kids and send dogs out against human beings, give me a break," said Rangel.
Posted by: Fred 2013-08-03