
Islamists in Egypt face popular backlash
Hat tip - the Blogfodder
It is no longer cool to have a beard.

Islamist president Mohamed Morsi is out. His opponents, a military-backed interim government of secularists, are in. And if you've got a beard -- that most conspicuous symbol of Islamism in post-Arab Spring Egypt -- you're likely to get taunted on the metro, harassed in the souk and possibly even assaulted, according to conservative Muslims

"The treatment has changed for the worse," said Osama Ibrahim, an imam at a Cairo mosque that caters to hard-line Islamists.
Here's a thought, Mr. Imam - quit "catering" to islamonazis.
Hey, hey, hey! That's his meal ticket you're threatening!
[L]ocal men stopped the couple's car and barred them from entering a marketplace, Ibrahim said, because of the way they were dressed.

"You have to understand: The minibuses don't even stop for me anymore," he said.
As Instapundit says, "Heh™."
Posted by: Barbara 2013-08-04