
Bahrain deports US teacher for radical posts
Bahrain has deported an American female nursery school teacher for her online publications and social media activities linked to radical opposition groups, as well as violating terms of her work permit.
Nursery school teacher? The sheikhs couldn't hire a Filipino for that?
The ministry of state for communications said in a statement on Saturday that it received a "complaint about an individual using Twitter and other websites to publish articles" on Bahrain that were "deemed to incite hatred against the government and members of the Royal family, as well as spreading misinformation and encouraging divisions in Bahraini society based on religious sect".
Was she an ACORN worker?
The American teacher,
...perhaps a member of the Chicago Teachers Union...
who wrote under a pen name, violated the Labour Laws of Bahrain by working illegally as an unaccredited journalist.
That's just the excuse they used; the reason is that she was a pain in the ass...
She published a number of articles for online journals including Muftah (where she holds the title of co-editor and works as a reporter), Lebanon's Hezbullah-linked As Safir newspaper
Oh, so she was one of those Shiite-Americans. Presumably an immigrant or first-generation American, with fluent Arabic.
and the outlawed Bahrain Centre for Human Rights newsletter, among others.

According to her landlord, she had a Hezbullah flag along with other paraphernalia of the Lebanese terrorist organisation in her residence. This along with her social media activities led to the complaint filed with the ministry.

The principal at the school where the woman taught said in the statement: "We cannot have someone teaching impressionable young children who supports an internationally recognised terrorist organisation like Hezbullah."
So she'll just have to go back home to Seattle to do that...

Posted by: Steve White 2013-08-12