
Edwards pockets American dream
John Edwards talks a lot about the ``two Americas,'' railing against a government that rewards the rich and shackles the poor. He should know. Edwards has been on the winning side of that societal equation for almost 30 years. He pulled in verdicts and settlements worth some $150 million - a large chunk of which he pocketed - and recently sold his Washington home to the government of Hungary for $3 million. Not bad for a millworker's son.
Just a man of the people
Financial disclosure forms released by Edwards show he took in an income last year of about $1.5 million, mostly in stock sales and the buyout from his old law firm. The North Carolina senator has an estimated net worth believed to be about $36 million, according to the Center for Public Integrity. During his presidential campaign, Edwards made more than $50,000 in profit on sales of IBM stock last year. He reported capital gains of $15,000 to $50,000 each on sales of stock in 3M Co., Caterpillar, Cisco Systems and Merck.
Caterpillar, builders of the fabled Zionist Dozers Of Doom
During the buildup and aftermath of the Iraq war, Edwards bought and sold stock in several defense contractors, including Lockheed Martin, United Technologies, General Electric, British Petroleum, and General Dynamics.
Can you say "War Profiteer"? Not when he's a Democrat, I guess.
Edwards, who owns multiple homes in North Carolina, sold his Washington home last year for $3 million, $800,000 more than he paid for it in 1999. Before the sale to the government of Hungary, Edwards entertained an offer that could get him in some campaign trouble. The $3.52 million offer was from a public relations specialist hired by Saudi Arabia to influence Congress and the public after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Now why would the Saudis need to influence Congress when they have Bush in their hip pocket? Michael Moore sez so, and he wouldn't lie.
Edwards, who at the time was a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee that was investigating Saudi and U.S. terrorism lapses, said he learned months after the offer was made, but before the deal fell apart, that registered foreign agent Michael Petruzzello worked for Saudi Arabia.
The deal didn't happen, so it's a non-issue. Now, if he had been a Republician, just the hint that a deal might of been offered would be enough to smear him.

Posted by: Steve 2004-07-08