
The Rantburg Treasury Department
Unlike our Federal Reserve..... the Rantburg Treasury doesn't print money...

The Rantburg Treasury Department needs you.... now.....
So get in line -- " You are number one for the next Rantburg Agent to assist you with your fiducial responsibility."

Using your best mouse aerobic skills -- scroll down, looking on the right side of your screen, just below that incredible graphic "BREITBART IS HERE".... and find that shining, glistering blue Rantburg sign.

Beneath it -- dressed in blue with a yellow background is the word DONATE.

Reading Rantburg -- comments from the folks of the University of Rantburg make you a standout around the water cooler. Yea, so you don't do that water cooler thingy..... but do admit...... you have more knowledge than most of your Circle of Conversation. And it comes from Rantburg........

Fred, in case you don't know him, is the owner of Rantburg -- the guy under the hood that makes Rantburg work. Do a simple "Thank you for your service."

...... A special welcome to "First Time Donators."

Posted by: Sherry 2013-09-02