
Kerry: Climate Science 'Alarming', 'Irrefutable'
[An Nahar] U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday the evidence for climate change was beyond dispute but it was not too late for international action to prevent its worst impacts.
The poor man has neither the training nor the capacity to think about anything more difficult than where to go for dinner.
"The science is clear. It is irrefutable and it is alarming," Kerry told a climate conference in Majuro in the Marshall Islands in a video address from Washington.
They really oughtn't let him try to do anything more challenging than christen ships and open public libraries. He must have bought his exam answers back at school.
"If we continue down our current path, the impacts of climate change will only get worse."
According to Drudge Report, it was 15F in Alaska on Saturday, an August record for that location.
Kerry said without strong, immediate action, the world would experience threats to critical infrastructure, regional stability, public health, economic vitality, and the long-term viability of some states.

Washington's top diplomat was addressing climate experts meeting on the eve of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in the Marshall Islands, a low-lying nation where rising seas threaten to swamp many atolls.
Though they haven't yet, much to the disappointment of the locals.
"I stand with you in the fight against climate change," he pledged, adding the issue was a global crisis that was beyond one country to fix and needed urgent global action.

"If we act together, there is still time to prevent some of the worst impacts of climate change," he said. "But the people of the Pacific Islands know as well as anyone that we also need to prepare communities for the impacts that are already being felt."

Kerry is not attending the PIF, with Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell representing the United States instead.
Posted by: Fred 2013-09-03