
The State of the Rantburg Treasury Department...
... is good, but could be better. With the popularity of Rantburg, Mayor Fred is needing a new server so Rantburg can be all that it can be, and is....

Just so you know, when he gets a new server, an elementary school receives his donated server which is prolly the most sophisticated server in the entire school district.

And you can be a part of that.....

For you stats folks, check these out:

Achieved on those servers:
285,204 articles

A question to you, fellow citizens of Rantburg, when reading those over one million comments at Rantburg, how many times have you thought, "I didn't know that."

Information brings knowledge -- thus Rantburg U. Universities welcome and appreciate donations.

Reward yourself with the inner smile you will feel, for that time you thought, "I didn't know that," when you:
1) Scroll way down, working the right side of the screen...
2) See that brilliant blue Rantburg rectangle glistening out at you... and below that, then
3) Click on the DONATE button.

Rather snail mail a check? Just state that desire in comments, and you will be rewarded with the needed info to do so.

Now, just go do it -- 5 bucks is worth your Rantburg experience. After all -- it's for the kids....
Posted by: Sherry 2013-09-04