
A Mini-Watergate? - against the Dems!
Do not go gentle into that good night...
Democrats could be participating in a "mini-Watergate" effort to get Ralph Nader out of the presidential picture, the consumer advocate charged Thursday. "They’re hiring lawyers to go up to technicalities in places like Arizona, they infiltrated our political convention," Nader, an independent candidate for president, told FOX News on Thursday. "I spoke to John Kerry and said ’you’d better look into it because it could be a mini-Watergate, possibly."
Looks like Ralph is getting pissed enough to where he will not "just go away" like the Dems want him to do... Nice thing is it shows the REAL way the "Democrat" Party has come to operate much liek the COmmunist Party of the SOviet Union - underhanded and powermad. Think we will see this outside of Foxnews? Nah, doubt it.
Posted by: OldSpook 2004-07-09