
New Popemobile Is a 1984 Renault With 186,000 Miles on It
[ABCNEWS.GO] Pope Francis is enjoying being pope but what he doesn't like are the restrictions to his movement and having to be escorted everywhere.

Last Saturday he saw the perfect opportunity to regain a bit of his lost freedom and enjoy a joy ride in the Vatican when he took possession of a nearly 30-year old Renault 4 which had just been given to him and drove off happily in the Vatican "as if it were the most normal thing in the world."

The car was given to the pope by the Rev. Renzo Zocca, a 69-year-old Italian parish priest.

"The security personnel next to me were very concerned because they understood that from now on he would be tooling around the Vatican in my car," Zocca told the Italian Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana. "I left some snow chains in the trunk. You never know," he told the police who looked rather concerned as they watched the pope drive off.

Zocca had arrived at the Vatican, as arranged, with his old car on a tow truck together with a busload of a hundred pilgrims from the parish of Santa Lucia di Pescantina in Verona in northern Italia to donate his much-loved car to the pontiff. It was the afternoon shortly before the pope's prayer vigil for peace was scheduled to start in St. Peter's Square with over 100,000 people attending. The white four-door classic 1984 Renault with its 800 cc. 30-horse power engine, French stick shift that comes out from the dashboard and deck-chair-style seats has clocked 186,000 miles. It was fully checked and readied by a mechanic who accompanied the priest to Rome for the occasion.

Posted by: Fred 2013-09-12