
U.S. and Iran are edging toward direct talks
LA Times, so hold your nose
Signaling a possible thaw in long-frozen relations, the Obama administration and the new leadership in Iran are communicating about Syria and are moving behind the scenes toward direct talks that both governments hope can ease the escalating confrontation over Tehran's nuclear program.
And a certain bridge is available in Brooklyn...
President Obama reportedly reached out to Iran's relatively moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, through an exchange of letters in recent weeks. The pragmatist cleric is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 24, and after years of the United States cold-shouldering his ultraconservative predecessor, U.S. officials say it's possible they will meet with Rouhani on the sidelines.
Mahmoud was an evil ultraconservative! Because...conservatives are evil.
Beyond that, U.S. and Iranian officials are tentatively laying the groundwork for potential face-to-face talks between the two governments, the first in the rancorous 34 years since radical students seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and founded the Islamic theocracy. Diplomatic relations have been broken ever since.
I've been laughing at Obumble over Syria because I thought the damage was mostly to him personally. But if this is related - via his craven stupidity - then the damage to the nation is potentially grave.
Posted by: Spot 2013-09-12