
Not just on 9/11 but year-round, NEH, public libraries push Islamodiversity
Not new to many of you, I'm sure, but I was sufficiently annoyed, stumbling across this a few minutes ago (while looking for local "Gritos de Independencia" to attend - O glorious tapestry!), to think it might merit a "bump" here. Of course there's some good stuff on their little bookshelf, notwithstanding the usual systematic omission of your favorites and mine, but what particularly cheesed me off this morning was the inclusion of TWO instances (book and video) of Prince among Slaves, the heartwarming tale of a Muslim African prince kidnapped away from the innocent enjoyment of his Muslim African princely amusements into the living hell of Anglo-American Christendom (where he seems to have more or less prospered, not that I'm any kind of apologist for slavery). Anyway... your tax dollars at work.

Muslim Journeys Come learn about Islam for kids and families
When: Saturday, September 14, 2013 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Where: North University Community Childrens Story Theater 8820 Judicial Dr. San Diego CA 92122
Cost: Free
See: http://sandiego.communityguides.com/MuslimJourney
Description: The Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys is a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities, conducted in cooperation with the American Library Association. Major support for the Muslim Journeys Bookshelf was provided by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York. Additional support for the arts and media components was provided by the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art.
Contact: North University Community Branch Library 858-581-9637
Topical Areas: Featured
Tags: Age Group, Locations, age-group/Babies, age-group/Toddlers, age-group/Preschoolers, age-group/School Age, location/North University Community, Featured
Posted by: Zenobia Floger6220 2013-09-12