
Where Kerry went instead of attending the homeland security briefing
NY Post; EFL.
July 9, 2004 -- Whoopi Goldberg delivered an X-rated rant full of sexual innuendoes against President Bush last night at a Radio City gala that raised $7.5 million for the newly minted Democratic ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards.
Classy people, these Kerry supporters. Classy people!
Waving a bottle of Ripple MD 20/20 Boone’s Farm wine, she fired off a stream of vulgar sexual wordplays on Bush’s name in a riff about female genitalia, and boasted that she’d refused to let Team Kerry clear her material.
Boy, when Theresa hears that John was trying to "clear" Whoopi’s "material," is she ever gonna be honked off!
Kerry could be seen laughing uproariously during part of Goldberg’s tirade - and neither he nor Edwards voiced a single objection to its tone when they spoke to the crowd. . . . Edwards said it was "a great honor" to be there and insisted, "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values."
And for this they missed a briefing on terror threats?

The Kerry/Edwards campaign must have discovered a practical method of time travel, ’cause it’s eternally September 10, 2001 in their world.

Posted by: Mike 2004-07-09