
Kitten Trying Out For Hawaii Triathlon
Via Drudge. Good day for kittys, eh, muck?
Boaters find kitten swimming 3 miles offshore in Gulf of Mexico
When Maggie Rogers spotted something bobbing in the water three miles into the Gulf of Mexico while on a scalloping trip with friends, she assumed it was a turtle, or a piece of sea kelp. But as the boat got closer and slowed down, she found it was a tiny, apricot-colored kitten. Nine inches long and screaming at the top of its lungs, the cat was paddling furiously.
I hope the little one wasn’t dumped out there; I’d stomp on the bastard’s nuts.
Nah, dump them in the cat's place. Shark's gotta eat too.
``We scooped him up and he sat on the boat with me for eight hours,’’ said Rogers, who is the finance director at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. ``He was exhausted and stressed,’’ Rogers said. ``His heart rate was high.’’ The boaters on the 17-foot Scout Current Drift did not know how the kitten arrived in the Homosassa Bay. There were at least 40 boats in the crowded area where he was found, they said.
Probably dumped; what idiot / a-hole would bring a cat onto a boat otherwise?
On Tuesday, three days after he was found, a veterinarian found the 10-week-old, 1-pound kitten had worms, but was otherwise healthy.
Probably not out there too long or we’d have heard about dehydration.
He was adopted by Rogers’ sister-in-law — and named Nemo.
Cool name!
Posted by: Raj 2004-07-09