
White House wants apology for filth-laden Dem-fest
The White House is reportedly demanding an apology from the Kerry-Edwards campaign after Thursday night’s Manhattan fund-raiser - where comic Whoopi Goldberg targeted President Bush with a filth-laden monologue as the two top Democrats looked on and laughed.
At least they didn’t show up in blackface, ala Goldberg boyfriend Ted Danson a few years ago.
She started off by saying of Bush: "Anybody who could wave to Stevie Wonder isn’t fully there." Her tone went steadily downhill thereafter.
Nothing sparks an audience like a blind joke. Pig.
"Waving a bottle of wine, [Goldberg] fired off a stream of vulgar sexual wordplays on Bush’s name in a riff about female genitalia," reports the New York Post.
Makin’ Whoopi no doubt.
Goldberg reportedly said the country should "keep Bush where it belongs and not in the White House."
Goldberg’s own nominally private parts were publicly discussed in revolting detail by the aforementioned Danson, who managed to throw in some (more) vulgar racism in the process. All in good LLL fun, you see.
Private to Ted: any garage is too big for a toy car.
The Post wrote that Goldberg also "boasted that she’d refused to let Team Kerry clear her material."
Would it have made a difference?
"I Xeroxed my behind and I folded it up in an envelope and I sent it back with a big kiss mark on.....
The true face of the enemy.
....because we’re Democrats - we’re not afraid to laugh," she added.
FDR and Sam Rayburn are spinning in their graves.
The L.A. Times reported: "As the audience roared with embarrassed and horrified laughter, she retorted: ’C’mon, you knew this was coming. It’s what I’m trying to explain to people: Why you asking me to come if you don’t want me to be me?’"
JFK the Great: Marilyn Monroe.
JFK the Less: Whoopi Goldberg.
Lo, how the mighty are fallen.

With or without his prior approval, the obscene rant seemed to please top Democrat Kerry, who could be seen laughing uproariously during part of Goldberg’s tirade.
The earlier JFK would have had the slut arrested.
Neither member of the Democratic duo voiced a single objection after the aging comic’s ugly act. Far from being offended, Kerry thanked all the performers at the Radio City Music Hall event for "an extraordinary evening," adding that "every performer tonight ... conveyed to you the heart and soul of our country."
"which we will then sell to George Soros," he added.
For his part Edwards actually boasted that it was "a great honor" to sit through the X-rated show, adding, without a hint of irony, "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values."
Prisons, crack dens, and drunken frat parties also exist in America, but that doesn’t make them the repository of our values.
Other stars displayed their raw contempt for Bush, but managed to avoid drifting into Goldberg’s blue zone. Actress Jessica Lange branded the Bush administration "a self-serving regime of deceit, hypocrisy and belligerence," while Paul Newman said Bush’s tax cuts are "borderline criminal."
Lange stole my line about HOllywood! I still haven’t determined whether she was wearing panties under those cut-offs in King Kong, the most serious issue with which I connect this person. As for Newman, a randomly selected individual off the street might well know more about tax policy.
Comic actor Chevy Chase heaped scorn on Bush’s intellect: "This guy is as bright as an egg-timer," he said, adding that he supposed the president invaded Iraq "just so he could be called a wartime president."
Chevy Chase damaged his own health doing suicidal pratfalls to mock President Ford. Ironically, Ford was probably the best athlete of any President.
Chase also told the audience the most recent book Bush had read was "Leader of the Free World for Dummies."
That would be Walter Cronkite.
The Bush administration was reportedly so outraged by Goldberg’s raunchy routine that it now wants team Kerry to apologize, WABC Radio reported Friday morning.
Fat chance. FOAD, vulgar clowns and media whores who have hijacked the Democratic Party, I want my party back!
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2004-07-10