
Fiji Man Raised by Chickens
Hit tip littletinylies.com
A man who was raised by chickens is learning to live as a human for the first time in 32 years. Sunjit Kumar spent his life locked in a chicken coop in Fiji.
Betcha he is cocky!
...Thank you. I will be here later this evening for a command peformace.

After his parents died, Kumar’s grandfather muck4doo gained custody of him. But, his grandfather apparently didn’t know what to do with the young boy, so he decided to lock him inside of a chicken coop. There, Kumar picked up all the behavior and mannerisms of the other chickens in the coop.
Yeh. My parents tossed me in the gerbil tank...oh, ya, that’s a different story.
Years later, Kumar was discovered living in the coop and freed. Still, doctors didn’t know how to treat him, so the local rotary club is working to rehabilitate him.
Just tossem some oats.
Club president Elizabeth Clayton said, "He had imitated or imprinted with the chicken."
Well, that’s good news!
"He was perching, he was picking at his food, he was hopping around like a chicken. He’d keep his hands in a chicken-like fashion and he’d make a noise which was like the calling of a chicken, which he still has," she said.
You should of seen me after my gerbil run in.
Kumar is reportedly making remarkable progress having learned how to walk and eat from a plate.
Just recently he asked for a big plate of sunnyside up eggs.
"Mmm, I like to dip my toast in the yolks," he said.

Posted by: Dragon Fly 2004-07-10