
Foreign Businesses Nose Around Kaesong Complex
Some of whom are Americans, the rat bastards...
Foreign businesses have started taking an interest in the Kaesong Industrial Complex which reopened last week, but it remains to be seen whether they will develop enough trust in North Korea's unpredictable ways to park their money and enterprises there.

Among potential investors are Korean-American clothing firms in Los Angeles, Radio Free Asia reported Thursday.
It's just painful to see our own countrymen lining up to make money on other peoples' misery...
Lee Yoon-se of the Korean Apparel Manufacturers Association in Los Angeles told RFA that members of his group are looking at opening factories in the industrial park.

Korean-American businesses mostly look to Vietnam, China or Cambodia for cheap labor.
None of those countries are swell deals, either, but all are preferable to North Korea.
The Kaesong complex has a geographical advantage, but the drawback is U.S. sanctions against North Korea. But Lee said the companies feel that hurdle could be overcome.
Because Champ is in the White House, which means one can always make a deal. It's the Chicago way...
Other Korean-American clothing firms operating in China and Vietnam are also taking interest in the Kaesong complex, RFA said.
Posted by: Steve White 2013-09-28