
Belgian police arrest al-Qaeda suspects
Belgian police arrested two suspected Sudanese members of Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda network at Brussels’ main airport late Friday, Belgium’s VTM commercial television reported Saturday. A Belgian federal police spokesman said two arrests had been made, but was unable to give further details. "I can confirm that there have been two arrests in Zaventem (airport). I don’t know about their nationality or any supposed terrorist ties," spokesman Jan van Ransbeeck said, adding that he believed the arrests were made early Saturday. VTM said the two had flown in from Athens, Greece, and were traveling on forged passports. The television network, quoting no sources, said the police found photographs of militants involved in suicide operations in the suspects’ luggage and a mobile phone number referring to bin Laden. Earlier Saturday the Netherlands said it was increasing security at key locations after receiving information that radical Islamists might be planning terror attacks.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-07-10