
Govt shutdown looms
[MCCLATCHYDC] Republicans rallied around a budget plan Saturday to keep the government open but delay the new health care law for a year, storming toward a showdown with Democrats that looked increasingly likely to shut down the government when the current fiscal year ends Monday night.

Republicans in the House of Representatives showed unusual unity Saturday in endorsing the plan, then took it to the full House for expected approval. Their proposal would keep the government funded through Dec. 15, delay the health care law, permanently repeal a 2.3 percent medical device tax that helps fund the health care plan and assure military personnel would be paid if the government shuts down.

The Senate is not scheduled to return to session until Monday afternoon, 10 hours before the fiscal year ends. Democrats who control the Senate said they wouldn't negotiate or consider the House proposal, leaving no apparent path to compromise on either side in the waning hours before money runs out for many parts of the government not on automatic spending such as Social Security or considered essential such as the military.
Posted by: Fred 2013-09-29