
Bahraini court jails members of Revolution Youth Coalition
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] A Bahraini court sentenced on Sunday 50 people to up to 15 years in prison for forming the "February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition," a judicial source said.

Sixteen defendants were handed 15-year terms, while four others were incarcerated
Into the paddy wagon wit' yez!
for 10 years and the other 30 sentenced to five years, Agence La Belle France Presse reported the source as saying.

Iraqi holy man Hadi al-Mudaressi was among the defendants charged for creating the movement that is accused by authorities of terrorism.

The February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition has been the main motor behind an uprising that began in 2011 to demand more rights from the country's leaders.
Posted by: Fred 2013-09-30