
Not Actually A Shutdown
[Nat'lReview] The hysterical fears about the effects of a government "shutdown" being voiced by many in Washington, such as Senator Tom Harkin (D., Iowa), who claims it is "as dangerous as the break-up of the Union before the Civil War," are almost comical.

The truth from the experience of prior shutdowns, applicable federal laws, Justice Department legal opinions, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directives, is that crucial government services and benefits would continue without interruption even if Congress fails to agree on a continuing resolution (CR) or President Obama vetoes it. That includes all services essential for national security and public safety -- such as the military and law enforcement -- as well as mandatory government payments such as Social Security and veterans' benefits.

A 1981 memorandum by David Stockman during the Reagan administration that is still relied on by the OMB laid out the services that continue without interruption during any government "shutdown":

o National security, including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life and property;
o Benefit payments and the performance of contract obligations under no-year or multi-year appropriations or other funds remaining available for those purposes;
o Medical care of inpatients and emergency outpatient care and activities essential for the safe use of food, drugs, and hazardous materials;
o Air-traffic control and other transportation safety functions;
o Border and coastal protection and surveillance;
o Protection of federal lands, buildings, waterways, and other property of the U.S.;
o Care of prisoners and others in federal custody;
o Law enforcement and criminal investigations;
o Emergency and disaster assistance;
o Activities essential to the preservation of the money and banking system of the U.S., including borrowing and tax collection;
o Production of power and maintenance of the power-distribution system; and
o Protection of research property.

So planes, trains, and automobiles will keep running and TSA will keep patting you down. The president can continue to go on overseas trips to conduct foreign relations. Social Security and Medicaid benefits will keep going out. The Border Patrol will keep patrolling our borders to prevent illegal crossings (at least as much as this administration will let it do that). The Federal Bureau of Prisons will keep convicted criminals in prison and the FBI will continue making arrests and investigating violations of the law.

The FDA and the Department of Agriculture will continue their safety testing and inspection of food and drugs, and medical care of inpatients and emergency outpatient care will keep right on going. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department will keep printing and borrowing money and protecting the banking system. Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Service will continue collecting taxes.

It is certainly true that "nonessential" federal employees will be furloughed. But so many federal employees are considered "essential" that when President Bill Clinton vetoed a CR in November 1995 in a dispute with Newt Gingrich over a balanced budget and welfare reform, only about 800,000 out of a total of almost 4.5 million federal employees were furloughed. In a second funding gap from December 1995 to January 1996, only about 300,000 employees were furloughed. So the vast majority of federal workers will keep right on working.
Posted by: trailing wife 2013-10-01