
Brother of beheaded U.S. engineer visits Zarqawi family home in Jordan
Agence France Presse/Agencies
What is wrong with the French? Whomever wrote this article (no doubt a french weasel), portrayed Johnson’s brother as trailer-trash alcoholic who was in too much of a "daze" to do his own talking. What scum the author is!
The ailing brother of an American beheaded last month in Saudi Arabia and a US-based peace activist traveled Thursday to the family home in Jordan of suspected Al-Qaeda operative Abu Mussab Zarqawi. Indian-born evangelist K.A. Paul and Wayne Johnson, 48, of New Jersey, told a press conference they went to the home in Zarqa, northeast of Amman, as part of efforts to call for the return of the body of Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr., 49, of New Jersey. Initial Saudi law enforcement reports indicated Johnson's body had been recovered, but were later retracted. A search for his remains continues.

Paul said he met briefly with one of Zarqawi's sisters, while Johnson, who suffers manic depression and alcoholism and walks with a cane, stayed in the car. We spent a few minutes, asking them important questions we wanted answered (such as) do you support terrorism or do you support peace? , and they said they are opposed to terrorism, Paul said.

He said Zarqawi s sister, whom he didn t name, was gracious enough to answer my questions and talk, and we had a brief prayer. She said we do oppose terrorism. We feel sorry for Johnson s family. We support peace and promoting peace. We are not a terrorist family. He added: We wanted the victim Johnson, the only brother who is still alive, and the Zarqawi family to voice support for peace, to say enough is enough, that terrorism will not be successful no matter where it is.

Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi is the accused mastermind of anti-US attacks in neighboring Iraq and has been linked to Al-Qaeda. The Saudi terrorists accused of killing Paul M. Johnson Jr. also have been linked to Al-Qaeda, though no direct link has been made between them and Al-Zarqawi. Terrorists are terrorists; Al-Qaeda is Al-Qaeda. Al-Zarqawi belongs to Al-Qaeda and the Saudi terrorists belong to Al-Qaeda, Paul had told the Associated Press earlier when asked why he had come to Jordan instead of Saudi Arabia. Paul added that Wayne was afraid to visit Saudi Arabia. Wayne Johnson refused comment to The Associated Press. Wayne Johnson, who sat in a daze, was too confused to speak about the visit to the Zarqawi family home. I am not sure where we went, he said. Asked why he wanted to meet her, he said: So that she can spread the word to retrieve Paul Johnson s body. And he pleaded to the media to help him bring Johnson s remains back to the family home a trailer in New Jersey, where his 80-year-old, cancer-stricken mother also lives. Nobody is talking about him, as if he didn t exist and nobody cares, he said. If it comes out in the media, maybe somebody, somewhere will retrieve the body and bring my brother s body back, he said haltingly. I don t understand why it was decapitated in the first place, he said. I cry nights. I try to be strong. I don t sleep nights thinking about it . The body is no good to them, why not release it, he asked.

Wayne Johnson s trip to Jordan was his first outside New Jersey, let alone the United States, and that he obtained a passport for the trip only Monday, according to Paul. We came here as a first step before going to Saudi Arabia because he is afraid. He didn t want to come. His mother thought he would be beheaded too if he went to Jordan, Paul said. The evangelist, who claims he helped put an end to seven wars, including conflicts in Liberia and Haiti, said his organization, Global Peace Initiative, was on a humanitarian mission to help the Johnsons. Paul Johnson was kidnapped June 12 in Saudi Arabia, where he lived for 10 years and worked for aerospace and defense giant Lockheed Martin
Posted by: Anonymous4617 2004-07-10