
Schedule for New Climates to Arrive in 265 Cities
By 2043, 147 cities - more than half of those studied - will have shifted to a hotter temperature regime that is beyond historical records. The first U.S. cities to feel that would be Honolulu and Phoenix, followed by San Diego and Orlando, Fla., in 2046. New York and Washington will get new climates around 2047, with Los Angeles, Detroit, Houston, Chicago, Seattle, Austin and Dallas a bit later.
I imagine the study calculated the precise date and time the climate shifted to the new version, Climate II ™
Mora calculated that the last of the 265 cities to move into their new climate will be Anchorage, Alaska - in 2071. There's a five-year margin of error on the estimates.
What's the margin of error on the input?
Unlike previous research, the study highlights the tropics more than the polar regions. In the tropics, temperatures don't vary much, so a small increase can have large effects on ecosystems, he said. A 3-degree change is not much to polar regions but is dramatic in the tropics, which hold most of the Earth's biodiversity, he said.
I wonder if Watt's Up With That has taken this apart yet?
Study author Camilo Mora and his colleagues said they hope this new way of looking at climate change will spur governments to do something before it is too late. "Now is the time to act," said another study co-author, Ryan Longman.
Better start with China and India!
Judith Curry, a Georgia Institute of Technology climate scientist who often clashes with mainstream scientists, said she found Mora's approach to make more sense than the massive report that came out of the U.N.-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last month.
So is Curry a hyper-warmer or a minor-league-denier?
Pennsylvania State University's Michael Mann said the research "may actually be presenting an overly rosy scenario when it comes to how close we are to passing the threshold for dangerous climate impacts. By some measures, we are already there."
Now I am really worried!
Posted by: Bobby 2013-10-10