
Bloomberg's Last Crusade: Banning Styrofoam Cups
[BREITBART] With the sun finally setting on the Bloomberg empire, New York City's fastidious mayor attempts to seal his legacy by tackling the most dangerous threat facing America's largest city: styrofoam cups?

Yes, it's true--the non-biodegradable material is Public Enemy Number One these days at City Hall, where the City Council's Sanitation Committee is holding a hearing on banning the use and sale of "plastic foam cups and plates" at the request of the mayor. The ban had been proposed earlier this year, but with little time left in Bloomberg's tenure, he is making sure the city addresses the foamy material haunting New York with its ability to retain heat for years. Styrofoam is a particularly difficult material to recycle because it does not naturally degrade, and so lives on for decades in already overcrowded landfills across the state in New Jersey.
Posted by: Fred 2013-11-26