
Ghazni Man Calls for Justice After Daughter Flogged
[Tolo News] A young girl was recently publicly flogged in Jaghori District of Ghazni province after a local holy man ordered the punishment based on allegations of her having sexual relations with a boy out of wedlock. Since then, the girl's father, Iqbal Masoomi, has demanded things be made right.

The young girl's named was Sabira, and according to her father, she was psychologically traumatized by the harsh public punishment. Reportedly, the young boy she was accused of having improper relations with was only asked to pay a fine.

"The allegations against Sabira are completely baseless," the father claimed. "She was whipped in public and the boy was freed by paying a fine and now she is suffering from psychological damage and won't leave the house...I want her honor and dignity to be restored," Masoomi said.

Having sexual relations out of wedlock is not against civil law in Afghanistan, but it is against locally practiced Islamic law, which is implemented by religious courts and adjudicators such as holy mans.

Public punishments such as flogging, stoning or even executions were a staple of the brutal Taliban regime that was ousted by the U.S.-led coalition in 2001.
Posted by: Fred 2013-11-26