
Hindus riot against Paks, Talibs
  • BANGALORE, India (AP) -- Hindu fundamentalists rioted in a Muslim area of southern India, shouting slogans against Pakistan and the Taliban in a protest prompted by terrorist attacks in the United States. Two people were killed and dozens injured, police said Sunday. The violence occurred during a march of some 50,000 Hindu nationalists in Hubli, a southern city that has been the scene of numerous religious riots.

    Police spokesman M.D. Singh said the march turned violent when some participants began shouting angry slogans against the Taliban leaders of Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan for supporting the main suspect in the U.S. attacks, Osama bin Laden. A few hundred marchers broke away, rushing police positions around open land reserved for Muslims to pray and setting fire to several vehicles, including a police jeep, police said.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-09-16
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3805