
Binny met with Indian crooks
  • Afternoon Despatch & Courier
    Now the truth can be told. Osama Bin Laden, prime suspect in the US terrorist attacks of Tuesday, had met India's most wanted man, underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, a year or so ago and had sought his help to establish bases in India. The meeting, which was set up by Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) in Khost, Afghanistan, also included Chhota Shakeel and Tiger Memon. The trio had met Laden to buy arms from his impressive arsenal. And when Laden had expressed the wish to extend his terrorist outfits in India, Dawood had reportedly assured him of all help.

    Indian intelligence sources fear an outbreak of the jehadi movement in this country with this. "The international heat being turned on Pakistan and Afghanistan, the jehadis have nowhere to go and foment trouble but India and Israel. They will not harm America for some time to come now that they have seen how violently President George Bush is prepared to retaliate. Against Israel they came to nought. So they might infiltrate India," said a source. "This is almost certain to happen."
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-09-16
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=3808