
Mollycoddling Milksops of Manila by Michelle Malkin
Add the flag of the Philippines to the International Hall of Appeasers. Sign up this pitiful nation for a lifetime membership to the Axis of Weasels. And remind me never again to brag about the proud fighting spirit of my ancestors. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m deeply, mortifyingly ashamed of my parents’ native land. The island nation has gone and pulled a Spain (and a France and a Germany). Philippine president Gloria Macagapal-Arroyo has crumbled like a fried lumpia wrapper under pressure from radical Muslim terrorists.

The Battling Bastards of Bataan have given way to the Mollycoddling Milksops of Manila. And ultimately, we -- not just Filipinos, but all Americans and our allies battling Islamofascism -- will pay a grisly price for this disgraceful capitulation. Late last week, an Islamic terrorist group in Iraq kidnapped Filipino truck driver Angelo de la Cruz. He was abducted near Fallujah while shipping fuel for an American company from Saudi Arabia to Baghdad. The sword-wielding kidnappers, calling themselves the Khaled Ibn al-Walid Brigade, have threatened to execute de la Cruz unless the Philippines immediately withdraws its 51-member contingent of police officers and soldiers from the multinational force providing security in Iraq (the troops were scheduled to be sent home next month, anyway).

Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-07-15